At Dwight Mitchell Insurance of Johnson City we have always had cancer insurance policies available; however as of March 2014 this insurance in particular has become a personal passion for us. Dwight was diagnosed in March 2014 with Prostate Cancer. He discovered this after applying for life insurance on himself and having to go through a medical exam for the insurance company. They advised him that his PSA levels were elevated and they would like him to follow up with an urologist. After consulting with a local urologist and some further testing Dwight received the news all of us never want to hear. I, personally, have heard Dwight tell many people that Cancer Insurance is a policy we all never want to use, thankfully Dwight himself had a cancer policy and upon his diagnosis this policy paid him his 1st check immediately, the check was over $10,500, and will continue to pay him throughout his treatment. These monies can be used toward his treatment or for anything that Dwight needs.

In the U.S., men have slightly less than a 1-in-2 lifetime risk of developing cancer. Women have slightly more than a 1-in-3 risk.*

Supplemental Cancer Insurance is disease specific insurance designed to help offset the cost of certain expenses not covered under your major medical insurance plan. Upon diagnosis the benefits of the policy is paid directly to you as the insured. You then have the control over where the money is spent ex. Medical bills, groceries, cost of medications, vacation etc.

Each year cancer affects the lives of more and more people and the figures are staggering. As the number of people afflicted with cancer continues to rise, so does the cost of care and treatment for the disease.

This insurance is not intended on replacing your medical insurance but intended on supplementing the loss of income due to treatment or simply giving you cash in hand upon diagnosis and while going through treatment.

*Cancer Facts & Figures 2011, American Cancer Society

Let Dwight Mitchell Insurance of Johnson City help you decide which Cancer Insurance policy will best fit your needs. Call us at 423-928-7811 today!

Dwight Mitchell Insurance

917 E Watauga Ave.
Johnson City, TN 37601

 (423) 928-7811

 (423) 928-3148

  [email protected]

 Monday Through Friday 8am to 5pm